Palm Trees of Matheson Palm trees surrounding the tidal pool of Matheson Hammock in Miami, Florida Matheson_1295_HDR
Morning Silhouette The morning glow of a sunrise with the palm tree lined path silhouetted against the light at Matheson Hammock, Miami, FL Matheson_1429B
Matheson Sunrise It was an early morning at Matheson Hammock as the King Tide rolled in and the sun was just coming up. Matheson – 2017_11_04-IMG1679_HDR
Matheson Hammock Sunrise A morning stroll along the bay with an incredible sky at Mathseon Hammock, Miami, FL. Matheson – DSC01864-HDR-960 Matheson – DSC01890.jpg
A Beautiful Morning A beautiful morning as the sun rises from behind the clouds at Matheson Hammock. Canon 5D Mark II, 24-70mm F/2.8L USM Matheson Hammock -0260-HDR
A Golden Glow A Miami sunrise over Matheson Hammock, basking in a golden glow of the sun as it rises from behind a cloud Matheson – dsc01942-hdr