Palm Trees of Matheson

Palm trees surrounding the tidal pool of Matheson Hammock in Miami, Florida

Palm trees surrounding the tidal pool of Matheson Hammock in Miami, Florida

Morning Silhouette

The morning glow of a sunrise with the palm tree lined path silhouetted against the light at Matheson Hammock, Miami, FL

The morning glow of a sunrise with the palm tree lined path silhouetted against the light at Matheson Hammock, Miami, FL

Matheson Sunrise

It was an early morning at Matheson Hammock as the King Tide rolled in and the sun was just coming up.

It was an early morning at Matheson Hammock as the King Tide rolled in and the sun was just coming up.
Matheson – 2017_11_04-IMG1679_HDR

Matheson Hammock Sunrise

A morning stroll along the bay with an incredible sky at Mathseon Hammock, Miami, FL.

A morning stroll along the bay with an incredible sky.
Matheson – DSC01864-HDR-960
Matheson – DSC01890.jpg

A Beautiful Morning

A beautiful morning as the sun rises from behind the clouds at Matheson Hammock.
Canon 5D Mark II, 24-70mm F/2.8L USM

A beautiful morning as the sun rises from behind the clouds at Matheson Hammock.
Matheson Hammock -0260-HDR

A Golden Glow

A Miami sunrise over Matheson Hammock, basking in a golden glow of the sun as it rises from behind a cloud

A Miami sunrise over Matheson Hammock, basking in a golden glow of the sun as it rises from behind a cloud
Matheson – dsc01942-hdr

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