A Cloudy Sunrise

The glow of a cloudy sunrise at Hillsboro Inlet

The glow of a cloudy sunrise at Hillsboro Inlet
Hillsboro Inlet – IMG_3054-2017_12_02_HDR

A Miami Beach Morning Glow

A warm glowing morning off Miami Beach on a summer morning
Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II

A warm glowing morning off Miami Beach on a summer morning

Deering Sunrise

It was a beautiful morning with little wind and colorful skies at the Deering Estate for a sunrise

It was a beautiful morning with little wind and colorful skies at the Deering Estate for a sunrise
It was a beautiful morning with little wind and colorful skies at the Deering Estate for a sunrise
It was a beautiful morning with little wind and colorful skies at the Deering Estate for a sunrise
It was a beautiful morning with little wind and colorful skies at the Deering Estate for a sunrise
It was a beautiful morning with little wind and colorful skies at the Deering Estate for a sunrise

Riverwalk Sunrise Photos

Got up early on a Saturday morning to take a walk with a few friends along Riverwalk – a path along the New River in Ft Lauderdale, FL
There was a slight wind with lots of clouds along the horizon. Not many people out and little traffic that made it easy to get around. There were many friendly people sleeping along the walkways. Took a series of photos and posted them here.

A Saturday morning walk along the New River in Ft Lauderdale, FL
A Saturday morning walk along the New River in Ft Lauderdale, FL
Riverwalk_2017_10_01_6337 copy
A Saturday morning walk along the New River in Ft Lauderdale, FL
A Saturday morning walk along the New River in Ft Lauderdale, FL
A Saturday morning walk along the New River in Ft Lauderdale, FL
A Saturday morning walk along the New River in Ft Lauderdale, FL
A Saturday morning walk along the New River in Ft Lauderdale, FL

Hillsboro Inlet With a Glow

A heavy cloud cover with a warm colored glow from a rising sun at the Hillsboro Inlet

A heavy cloud cover with a warm colored glow from a rising sun

Bal Harbor Sunrise

Sunrise along shoreline of Bal Harbor, Florida
You look for the elements that can make your photo more than just a shot of the ocean and the sea.

Sunrise along Bal Harbor - You look for the elements that can make your photo more than just a shot of the ocean and the sea.

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