Blowing Rocks State Park – looking out one of the blowing holes – Tequesta, Florida
Palm Beach
The Glistening Sand
The glistening sand during the sunrise among the rocks at Jupiter, Florida
Sunrise off Jupiter
A colorful winter sunrise off Jupiter, Florida
The morning glow of a sunrise is made up of a combination of things like the clouds having an opening far off in the distance that can light up the underside of the cloud base. The Clouds can’t be a solid mass and the temperature can help as well.
Green Cay Sunrise
Walking the boardwalk during a Green Cay Sunrise is just a beautiful way to start the day.
Tequesta Sunrise
A Tequesta sunrise with clouds and a little surf in Jupiter, Florida
A Day At Green Cay
There is always something to see at Green Cay Nature Wetlands in Boynton Beach, Florida. The 100-acre property that features a 1.5 mile boardwalk elevated over the wetlands.