The beautiful Milkyway appeared over the Everglades National Park just after sunset, by Lee Smith
Everglades National Park
Milkyway over the Everglades
The beautiful Milkyway rose over the Everglades National Park after sunset by Lee Smith
The Milky Way
The beautiful Milky Way over the Everglades National Park by Lee Smith
Milky Way Over the Everglades
The Milky Way about an hour after sunset Everglades National Park The stars started to come out, the more the sun set. This was the first Milky Way shot of the evening. Taken: 10-24-2022
Sunset over the Everglades
A panoramic image of the beautiful sunset over the Everglades – Taken:10-24-2022
Sunset over the Everglades
The sky began changing colors as the sun was slowly setting and the calm water was reflecting that blue sky. Everglades National Park
Taken: 10-24-2022