Sometimes you take photo and begin to dig into it. You find things you did not see when you took the shot.
Watkins Glen State Park – Taken – 06-25-2015

South Florida Landscape & Nature Photography – Click on each image title to order
Sometimes you take a photo in the dark of night never knowing what it will look like. The sun was setting and the Neowise comet was visible.
I went out with my friends, to try to catch the NEOWISE camot again. This time I was armed with more information and settings to try. With the help of everyone’s keen eyes, I was able to capture the comet again. There are times when you are switching settings adjusting the lens, adjusting the tripod and trying to focus in the dark that makes this a challenge. I am not even sure of what I did to get this image, except those clouds were still reflecting light from the setting sun. I found it to be a beautiful tribute to the comet and my efforts to capture it.
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