Matheson Hammock Photography

Photos by Lee Smith

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Calm Water Reflections The Morning Reflection

Predawn At the Shoreline Sunrise at Matheson Hammock  Palm Tree Reflections A Moment Meditiations Sun Flares Magnificent Light Silhouette Sunrise Native Florida Matheson  Colorful Shoreline Early Morning Reflections

Visited Matheson Hammock over the weekend for a sunrise. The winds were very light making the water have almost a mirror finish. The colorful sunrise, the touch of clouds along the horizon and the the beautiful scenery of the shoreline. Click on an image for a larger view.

Deerfield Beach Lighthouse Tour

Photography by Lee Smith

A recent trip to the Deerfield Beach Lighthouse which is only open a few times a year was a real treat. A beautiful area to photograph and enjoy. We took a 20 minute boat ride from Sands Pier.

The boat schedule to the lighthouse was starting at 9:00 AM and every hour on the hour until 3:00 PM. The boat leaves the Lighthouse to the Sands pier beginning at 9:30 AM and every hour on the half hour until 3:30 PM. They suggested to arrive at the piers 20 minutes before the departure time.  There were  members of Hillsboro Lighthouse Preservation Society (HLPS) to register & check you in. I was given a wrist band, and waited for the boat, of course I got there almost an hour early. We boarded for the boat ride to the lighthouse around 9am and enjoyed a slow scenic ride. A current HLPS membership or a $25 PP transportation fee is required.

Bring your food and drink with you – there are no refreshments at the lighthouse, but there is a restroom and a gorgeous beach.

One of the many windows looking our from the Deerfield Beach Lighthouse   Deerfield Beach Lighthouse  A view from the base of the Deerfield Beach Lighthouse

Looking west from Deerfield Beach Lighthouse A view from the top of the Deerfield Beach Lighthouse looking north Deerfield Beach Lighthouse staircase

If you are interested in visiting the lighthouse –

Dania Beach Pier

Photo by Lee Smith

Assorted photos of the Dania Beach Pier on a calm day before and after sunrise.

Dania Beach Pier

The Underside

A Red Morning Under the Pier

Dania Beach Pier

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