Hollywood Beach Walkway

Photo by Lee Smith
(Click on the image for a Larger View)

The Colorful Walkway of Hollywood Beach
The Colorful Walkway of Hollywood Beach – IMG_8981_2_3


Hollywood Beach at Dawn
Hollywood Beach at Dawn – IMG_8999_9000_9001


Hollywood Beach, Florida
Hollywood Beach, Florida – IMG_8987_8_9


Hollywood Beach Walkway at Dawn - IMG_8984_5_6
Hollywood Beach Walkway at Dawn – IMG_8984_5_6

Moon Setting over Hollywood Beach Florida

Photo by Lee Smith

The colors of the morning skies with the full moon setting makes an interesting backdrop for a fencing of a colorful Hollywood Beach building along the boardwalk

Moon Setting over Hollywood Beach - IMG_8975_6_7

Sunrise Photography by Lee Smith

Sunrise Photography by Lee Smith

Matheson Hammock, Miami, FL
I took many photos of this morning, each image has it’s own impression to me. The sun had just risen past the clouds between the palm trees and my lens created the slight star effect. In the distance, you can see the cranes of the Port of Miami and the condos of Key Biscayne.

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