A Tallahassee Trip

Photos by Lee Smith

I took a trip with my daughter to Tallahassee, Florida with my daughter in 2012. While we were there, we visited the State Capital Building with a wonderful friend, Teri,  that works there. What a beautiful place! Below are some of the photos.

You can click on the images below for larger views.

Florida State Capitol Building in Tallahassee
Florida State Capitol Building in Tallahassee
Florida State Capitol Building in Tallahassee
Tallahassee, Florida
Tallahassee, Florida
Tallahassee, Florida
Florida State Capitol Building in Tallahassee
Florida State Capitol Building in Tallahassee


Florida State Capitol Building in Tallahassee
Florida State Capitol Building in Tallahassee
Florida State Capitol Building in Tallahassee
Florida State Capitol Building in Tallahassee
Florida State Capitol Building in Tallahassee
Florida State Capitol Building in Tallahassee
Florida State Capitol Building in Tallahassee
Tallahassee, Florida State Capitol Building
Tallahassee, Florida State Capitol Building
The Wall Murals inside the chambers - 4542
The Wall Murals inside the chambers – 4542
The Wall Murals inside the chambers - 4545
The Wall Murals inside the chambers – 4545
The New State Capitol Building - 4557
The New State Capitol Building – 4557
The Old Florida Capitol Building - 4602
The Old Florida Capitol Building – 4602

Miami Freedom Tower

Photo by Lee Smith

(Click image for a larger view)

Miami Freedom Tower - 1677
Miami Freedom Tower – 1677
Freedom Tower - Downtown Miami _8135
Freedom Tower – Downtown Miami _8135

Burrowing Owl – Davie, Florida

Photo by Lee Smith

I met this wonderful owl in a field and took time not to bother it. It was kind enough to allow me to take a few photos.

(Click image for a larger view)

Burrowing Owl - 5728_2014_09_21
Burrowing Owl – 5728_2014_09_21
Burrowing Owl, Davie, Florida - 5737_2014_09_21
Burrowing Owl, Davie, Florida – 5737_2014_09_21

East Coast Sunrise – Miami Beach

Photo by Lee Smith

The early morning just as the sun rises can create a wide range of colors across the sky and off the coast of Miami Beach.

(Click on the image for a larger view)

Miami Beach - 1307_8_9
Miami Beach – 1307_8_9

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