Photo by Lee Smith
Heavy clouds on a Saturday morning – we were hoping for a break, but not this day. Image taken from Spanish Harbor Key of the Bahia Honda Bridge in the background with petrified coral/mangrove roots in the foreground.
South Florida Landscape & Nature Photography – Click on each image title to order
Photo by Lee Smith
Heavy clouds on a Saturday morning – we were hoping for a break, but not this day. Image taken from Spanish Harbor Key of the Bahia Honda Bridge in the background with petrified coral/mangrove roots in the foreground.
Photos by Lee Smith
Cruising the channels off Key Largo, Florida is like traveling back into time. the lush mangroves cover the coral islands and created wildlife areas while offering calm waters to boaters. The Mangrove roots offer protection to smaller fish creating a strong part of the ocean ecosystem.
(Click on the image for a larger view)
photo by Lee Smith
Exploring the small island off the coast of Key Largo offers the best time to enjoy oneself with nature
(Click on the image for a larger view)
photo by Lee Smith
You see some strange things when you are visiting and not from an area, like this concrete barge that was run aground in shallow water off the coast of Key Largo, Florida. The water clarity is good for a high traffic boat channel – it’s right off the channel. People kayak and snorkel around the barge to find tropical fish, invertebrates and an occasional lobster. It’s about 10ft deep but this barge clearly sticks out of the water.
(Click on the image for a larger view)
Photo by Lee Smith
When you drive a few miles out to sea and find a structure like a lighthouse – I always wonder how the heck they built that thing. It is unmanned, but still functions being the oldest existing screw-pile lighthouse still in service in the United States – located off the coast of Key Largo, Florida
For more information about the Caryfort Reef Lighthouse
(Click on the image for a larger view)
Photo by Lee Smith
I walked in the shallows around a mangrove covered island off Key largo, Florida and found this lone Mangrove growing away from the island. (Photo taken in 2012)
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