Capt Dana’s first mate, Eric, is an expert with that cast net. Threw it once and caught all the ballyhoo needed for the day!
The Florida Keys
Mangrove Island off the coast of Key Largo
A small mangrove island off the coast of Key Largo where the water is crystal clear and loaded with marine life.
Standing in 3 ft of water with my Canon camera on a tripod
The Florida Keys
(4) image pano – Taken September 2012
A Lone Tree – Big Pine Key, Florida Keys
Just down the road from Bahia Honda is a small area with a great view. On this day it was cloudy but the tide was right and this one lone mangrove tree stood proudly on the shore of an old petrified mangrove/coral area.
The Florida Keys
An overcast day in the Florida Keys. We stopped off at a small park called Curry Hammock State Park in Marathon, Florida
Seven Mile Bridge, Florida Keys
A view of Seven Mile Bridge, in the Florida Keys after sunrise
Spanish Harbor Key, Florida Keys
Photo by Lee Smith