Photo by Lee Smith
It was one of those times where you watch the colors in the sky change as the sun sets on the horizon. The rich colors created with the clouds and the salt air become vivid, as the water reflections amplify the effects.

South Florida Landscape & Nature Photography – Click on each image title to order
Photo by Lee Smith
It was one of those times where you watch the colors in the sky change as the sun sets on the horizon. The rich colors created with the clouds and the salt air become vivid, as the water reflections amplify the effects.
Photo by Lee Smith
My friend Simon Rimmington called and said we might get a terrific sunset – the clouds looked great so I grabbed my gear and headed out. These dark clouds blew in from the west blocking the glowing sunset, so I still took a few shots. Got a great reflection!
(Click on the image for a larger view)
Photos by Lee Smith
It was a late Saturday afternoon on a warm October day. I was chasing the light trying to find a good location to find a sunset. I found beautiful skies and a wonderful sunset over Hollywood.
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