2014 Miami Marathon Race

Photo by Lee Smith
The Miami Marathon was a huge success with thousands of runners that started at 6:00am in the morning. I stood about the 1 mile marker on the top of the MacArthur Causeway Bridge to witness the sea of runners as they passed by.
2014 Miami Marathon - South Florida
2014 - Miami Marathon - as the Runners go by
To view the 2014 Miami Marathon Race photos – visit:
Google Pus – 2014 Miami Marathon Race Photos

Eagle in Flight

Photo by Lee Smith

Following the eagles in Pembroke Pines, I waited for the eagle to leave the nest and took a series of photos to get on decent one.

Eagle in Flight - Pembroke Pines

Downtown Miami before Dawn

I went to Watson Island at 5:00am to park my car for the Miami Marathon on Sunday, February 2nd.  It was a quiet morning and the lights of the city looked magnificent.

Downtown Miami before Dawn - Landscapy photography in Florida
Downtown Miami before Dawn – IMG_0410

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