An early morning with very cloudy skies. When the sun begins to reach below the horizon and the sky gives up it’s special colors at Matheson Hammock, Miami.

South Florida Landscape & Nature Photography – Click on each image title to order
We arrived about 20 minutes before sunset at Harold A Campbell Public Use Area. It is in Palm Beach County – out west. West of 27 by a 15 minute drive across a paved two lane highway. There are no street lights, no road markings, but there is the Public Use Area where people can launch their small boats on the water and park. When the sun goes down, it gets dark – the only lights you see are from people and their cars. We saw fireflies around us, and on a night like this with clear skies and no moon – people setting up telescopes for viewing the night skies. Red lights are used to avoid issues with photography and you can see the light pollution on the horizons from the cities.
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