The Swamps of Riverbend

I recently visited Riverbend Park in West Palm Beach. This park is very large – 665 acres. There are terrific trails, but you need to go early to see all the wild life

Riverbend Park, West Palm Beach
Riverbend Park, West Palm Beach – 0270
Riverbend Park, West Palm Beach  - 0289
Riverbend Park, West Palm Beach – 0289
Riverbend Park, West Palm Beach  - 0291
Riverbend Park, West Palm Beach – 0291
Riverbend Park, West Palm Beach  - 0300_1_2
Riverbend Park, West Palm Beach – 0300_1_2
Riverbend Park, West Palm Beach  - 0342
Riverbend Park, West Palm Beach – 0342
Riverbend Park, West Palm Beach  - 0355
Riverbend Park, West Palm Beach – 0355
Riverbend Park, West Palm Beach  - 0358
Riverbend Park, West Palm Beach – 0358



The Everglades Wildlife

There is always something flying, crawling or walking in the Everglades. You never know what you will find.

Black Vultures, Everglades National Park
A Multi Colored Heron Walking the Banks
Hiding in the Reeds
Good Morning

As the Sun Rises

The sun’s appearance turned the sky an almost red glow as it rose from behind the clouds and horizon. The landscape of pine trees and cypress with the tall grasses seemed to look like it did hundreds of years ago in the Everglades National Park in Homestead, FL. It was a cool morning in the 50’s, the wind was barely moving with clouds being seen only on the horizon .

The Sun Rises


The Darkness with a Star

Long Pine Key was dark, the mist lightly covered the lake. I know that is not a star, but that beautiful spot of light is Venus  -it shined like a jewel in the sky

Long Pine Key with Venus, Everglades National Park
Long Pine Key, Everglades National Park – IMG_0894_6

Long Pine Key – Everglades National Park

I drove down to the Everglades this morning to catch a sunrise and to visit a Meetup group. This photo was taken 30 minutes before dawn. No clouds in the sky. The air was cool and very still. There was a shroud of mist across the lake.

Long Pine Key, Everglades National Park


The Moon Set over the Inlet

The Sun was rising as the full moon was setting across the Jupiter Inlet.

Moon Set over the Inlet -
Jupiter Inlet Moon Set – IMG_0053

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