South Jetty – Haulover Inlet – Miami

By Lee Smith

Challenging skies before a sunrise, but the sunrise never came. It was darker then it was normally and the sea was very calm. The south jetty of Haulover Inlet was like a painting against a dark foreboding sky.

Click for a larger view

South Jetty - Miami - Haulover Inlet - 2456
South Jetty – Miami – Haulover Inlet – 2456
Bal Harbor Shoreline Before Dawn 2457
Bal Harbor Shoreline Before Dawn 2457
Looking West on the Jetty - 2458
Looking West on the Jetty – 2458
The Open Sea - 2461
The Open Sea – 2461
Haulover Inlet - South Side - _2455
Haulover Inlet – South Side – 2455

A Table on the Beach

The sun was setting and the beach looked so appealing with a table and chairs looking out to the ocean.

Late Afternoon at the Beach

The mounds of sand, with palm trees and plants look out over the ocean with the Dania Pier in the background

Palm Trees and Sand

Photo by  Lee Smith, 3/22/2014 The beach has many faces and the trees can make each area look unique. In this image, a lone chickee hut offers a little shade on a sunny afternoon

Dania Pier – Late Afternoon

Photo by Lee Smith, 3/22/2014

A wonderful day at the beach small waves, beautiful skies and warm temperatures

A Dania Beach Day - 1853_4_5
A Dania Beach Day – 1853_4_5


Under The Dania Beach Pier at Sunset

Photo by Lee Smith

Under The Dania Beach Pier - 1796_7_8
Under The Dania Beach Pier – 1796_7_8

Late afternoon under the pier for an infinity view under the pier. The water appears smooth from a long exposure, but best of all – I like the color

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