Hollywood Beach Reflections

A recent walk along the beach catching the reflections of a rising sun off Hollywood Beach.

Hollywood Beach Reflections - DSC00461_2_3
Hollywood Beach Reflections – DSC00461_2_3

Hollywood Beach Morning

A beautiful morning on Hollywood Beach, feeling the sun, sand and the light breeze.

A beautiful morning on Hollywood Beach
Hollywood Beach – DSC00560_1_2

Between Night and Day

The Deerfield Beach Fishing Pier lit up with the walkway lights of the pier just before dawn.

Deerfield Beach Pier - DSC00688
Deerfield Beach Pier – DSC00688

A Walk Along the Dinner Key Marina

The morning walk along the Marina where it's quiet and very few people are awake – near the Dinner Key Marina in Coconut Grove, Florida

The morning walk along the Marina where it's quiet and very few people are awake - near the Dinner Key Marina in Coconut Grove, Florida
A Walk Along the Dinner Key Marina – IMG_0690-HDR

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