Miami Beach Photo Art along Ocean Drive

The lights, the movement of cars & people and the strong winter winds making the palm trees come alive along Miami Beach on Ocean Drive.

Miami Beach Photo Art along Ocean Drive
Miami Beach Photo Art – Art-DSC01293

Photo Art – Ocean Drive 2

Iconic hotels along Miami Beach on Ocean Drive are colorful, with light and shadows that can make an image look amazing

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Photo Art – Ocean Drive 2 – Art-DSC01296

Photo Art – Ocean Drive

Photo Art, Converting photos into artwork can bring out the colors of this gorgeous area of Ocean Drive on Miami Beach

Photo Art, Converting photos into artwork can bring out the colors of this gorgeous area. Ocean Drive
Photo Art, Ocean Drive – Art-DSC01277

StarTrails over South Florida

I took this in 2014 and thought it would be nice to bring back up with a dedicated page. We set our cameras up to capture the stars and some star trails over South Florida. Each star trail has about 120 image to make one photo. Each image is about 30 seconds and taken 1 second apart then stacked to create the star trails.

Star Trails over South Florida - Startrails-Corrected-2-Fixed.jpg
Star Trails over South Florida – Startrails-Corrected-2-Fixed.jpg

Biscayne Bay Panoramic

Biscayne Bay Panoramic at sunrise. It was a calm cloudy morning as the colors of the day began to shine

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Biscayne Bay Pano_1435-1443

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