Pompano Sun Rays

The Crepuscular Rays – Sun Rays can change an image instantly to something more dramatic. The sunrise and sunset are the best times to catch them. Taken at the Pompano Fishing Pier (2013).

The Crepuscular Rays - Sun Rays can change an image instantly to something more dramatic. The sunrise and sunset are the best times to catch them. Taken at the Pompano Fishing Pier.
Pompano Pier – IMG_07515_6_7

A Cypress Island – Grassy Waters Preserve

A Cypress Island in a sea of Sawgrass in Grassy Waters Preserve – West Palm Beach. Grassy Waters Preserve is a 23 square mile wetlands ecosystem that serves as the freshwater supply for the City of West Palm Beach and the towns of South Palm Beach and Palm Beach Island.

A Cypress Islands in a sea of sawgrass - Grassy Waters in West Palm Beach.
Grassy Waters – IMG_14610

Miami Beach Marina

The Miami Beach Marina is calm water port located along the bay off Government Cut.

The Miami Marina off Miami Beach in Government Cut
Miami Beach – IMG_8340-HDR

Coral Cove Sunrise, Palm Beach

An early morning visit to a favorite spot – Coral Cove in Tequesta – Palm Beach (2013)

An early morning visit to a favorite spot - Coral Cove in Palm Beach
Coral Cove – IMG_00084_5_6

South Point along Government Cut

Standing at the end of South Point, looking west along Government Cut with a Full Moon glowing. The red glow of the lights along the water’s edge made the walkway unusual. Off in the distance there was a a cruise ship had passed a few minutes earlier.

Standing at the end of South Point, looking west along Government Cut with a Full Moon glowing. The red glow of the lights along the water's edge made the walkway unusual. Off in the distance there was a a cruise ship had passed a few minutes earlier.
South Point – IMG_8190

Full Moon Glowing

The Full Moon Glowing just above the building in almost a perfect location at South Point, Miami Beach.

The Full Moon Glowing just above the building in almost a perfect location at South Point, Miami Beach.
South Point IMG_8178

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