A Fiery Ball in the Sky

The morning started off an hour before sunrise. After taking photos for an hour at the Deering Estate before the sun finally came up – I had switched over to a Sony A6000 using a Sony 55-210mm lens to capture the fiery ball rising from the horizon.

The fiery ball in the sky at the Deering Estate
Deering Estate – DSC02783

Morning Colors

The first photo of the morning with the dark blue skies and a hint of the sun along the horizon at the Deering Estate

The first photo of the morning with the dark blue skies and a hint of the sun along the horizon
Deering Estate – Stacked-IMG_0491-0493

Miami Beach Sunrise

A wonderfully cool morning on Miami Beach with a brisk breeze from the north east – shooting a long exposure to capture the cloud movement

A wonderfully cool morning with a brisk breeze from the north east
Miami Beach – IMG_0743

Crashing Waves – Coral Cove

The waves were crashing against the shoreline on a slightly windy morning off the coast of Palm Beach at Coral Cove.

The waves were crashing against the shoreline on a slightly windy morning off the coast of Palm Beach at Coral Cove.
Coral Cove – IMG_0348

A Glowing Sunrise – Deering Estate

The skies lit up with at the Deering Estate as the sun rose from behind the horizon. It was a windy morning creating the streaks across the surface of the bay.

The skies lit up with at the Deering Estate as the sun rose from behind the horizon. It was a windy morning creating the streaks across the surface of the bay.
Deering Estate – IMG_0562-HDR

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