A black & white image of the Hillsboro Inlet Lighthouse at sunrise with the remnants of an old wooden structure
Florida Sunrises
Deerfield Beach
A collection of photos taken at Deerfield Beach from a day after Hurricane Mathew
Beautiful Skies off Deerfield Beach
A wonderfully morning with beautiful skies and incredible colors off Deerfield Beach
Miami Beach Sunrise
A beautiful Miami Beach sunrise with the right amount of clouds and color.
Sunrise off Miami Beach
A 1/4 mile walk along the beach to locate this nice location on Miami Beach. The darkness slowly brightened as the sun crawled to the horizon.
Deering Estate at Dawn
One of my first shots from the Deering Estate. We arrived at 6 am an hour before sunrise. You find a spot and setup your camera gear in the dark with small flash lights. It’s hard to focus your camera in the dark too, but the results are worth it. I caught a jet passing by creating a streak from the long exposure.