Coral Cove in Tequesta

Taken at Coral Cove in Tequesta Florida on 02-18-2017 with my Canon 5DM2

Taken at Coral Cove in Tequesta Florida on 02-18-2017 with my Canon 5DM2


Coral Cove Morning

It was a cool breezy morning with beautiful skies at Coral Cove Park in Tequesta, Florida.

It was a cool breezy morning with beautiful skies at Coral Cove Park in Tequesta, Florida.

Good Morning Sunrise

A warm breezy morning off Miami beach just after the sun rose, the small waves that splashed against the shore created a reflection against the wet sand.

A warm breezy morning off Miami beach just after the sun rose.the small waves that splashed against the shore created a reflection against the wet sand.

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