A Colorful Miami Beach Sunrise A colorful sunrise with a terrific sky & a strong breeze off Miami Beach, FL Miami Beach – IMG_0743-960
Rolling Swell along the Shoreline Rolling swells crashed along the shoreline at day break on Hutchinson Island, FL Stuart – 2018_04_29 – IMG_3817_HDR
Miami Beach at Sunrise As the sun rose, the clouds cleared out and the sun brighten the sky at South Beach. The incoming tide was clean, a beautiful emerald color and fast moving. South Beach – 2018_04_14-IMG_3353_HDR
Heading Out to Sea A freighter heading out to sea from Government Cut, Miami, FL South Beach – 2018_04_14 – IMG_3306
Gilbert’s Bar on Hutchinson Island An early morning photo session near the House of Refuge at Gilbert’s Bar on Hutchinson Island. Hutchinson Island – 2018_03_24-IMG_1616